About Poodles


The Toy Poodle is the smallest of the three varieties. According to the breed standard, Toy Poodles are under 10 inches tall at the shoulder and generally weigh less than 10 pounds. The dogs we see in Rescue are often outside the breed standard for size and weight. The dogs come in all colors - black, white, brown, apricot, silver and occasionally more than one color - or what is known as “parti” colored or “phantom” marked. None of the colors are particularly rare or unusual. Some very small Toys are advertised as “tiny toys” or “teacup” Poodles. This designation is nothing more than a marketing ploy. We do not recommend Toys to homes with young children or with big dogs.

The Miniature Poodle is the in-between sized variety. By the breed standard, “Minis” are over 10 inches but below 15 inches at the shoulder. They generally weigh between 15 and 25 pounds and come in all the same colors including parti and phantom. The Minis we see in Rescue are rarely of the breed standard; many are crossbred with Toys. Miniature Poodles are great for apartment living due to their smaller size. They are sturdy little dogs that are happy to cuddle or go for brisk walks. People will sometimes market Miniature Poodles as “moyen.” This is another meaningless marketing ploy.

 The Standard Poodle is the largest of the three varieties. Standards are over 15 inches at the shoulder, usually in the range of 21-25 inches tall, and by the breed standard usually weigh between 40-65 pounds. They come in all the same various colors as their smaller cousins. Sometimes, a large Standard may be referred to as a “Royal” Standard but like the Teacups and the Moyens, this is nothing more than a marketing ploy.

A Word about those Doodles

Doodles are everywhere. Everyone has one and everyone wants one. Until they don’t. And then they send the poor dogs to Rescue. We take them because it is not the dog’s fault that it was born. But please do not ask us for a referral to a “reputable” doodle breeder. We will not refer anyone for the purchase of a mutt. We will refer people with young children to reputable breeders of purebred, health-tested dogs for Poodle puppies.